Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Healthy Eating is Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating as a path to healthy eating may sound new, but it's not. Freedom from a chaotic relationship with food is something you were born to have. After years of feeling confused and out of control, your search has ended. This program will release you from the choke hold of restriction and binging.

You should have completed about 2 weeks of the first phase of the healthy eating program . Now you are probably starting to feel more stable and energetic. You are noticing some hunger cues popping up between meals and snacks. This may be scary at first, but it means your metabolism is getting ramped up.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Simply The Best Weight Loss Program Ever!

Are you ready for the best weight loss program ever? Why is it so good? It does not require willpower--the Achilles Heel of every diet or healthy eating program you've ever used. This approach works with your body instead of against it.

Let me be clear here: while this program should allow your body to gradually move to your set point weight, the main purpose is not weight loss itself. The issue is really the relationship with food. If you focus on your body or your weight, you will compromise your ability to make these changes. Weight focus makes everything a diet and a race to goal weight. The real goal is a normal, healthy relationship with food (the weight will follow--to the weight your body wants to be, not what your mind wants it to be).

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pregnancy Facts

Just like there aren’t two mothers who are the same, and no two babies are the same, it is safe to say that there are not any two pregnancies that are alike. With that being said, you should not compare how you feel and look for other pregnant women (and even to your own previous pregnancies). In these 40 weeks, your body will transform before your eyes. To some women, this time may fly by, while for others it may seem like a slow journey. Although all women experience vastly different emotional and physical feelings, many women share the same fears and concerns. For every single day of these nine months, you should live confidently, and worry a little less about common myths and misconceptions. Here are some tips that you should remember all the time, especially during pregnancy:

Monday, June 20, 2011

Everything You Need to Know about Pregnancy Nutrition

Although “eating for two” is not entirely true, there are certain macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) that are needed for a healthy pregnancy. The outcome of your pregnancy and the health of the baby are both directly related to maternal nutrition. The average woman should gain between 25 and 35 pounds throughout the pregnancy, but each pregnancy is unique so this will vary from person to person.

This weight is distributed in many different areas of the pregnant body. About half of the weight gained is actually the fetus, placenta, and amniotic fluid. Another large portion of the weight is in the growth of the uterus, breasts, and an increase in tissue fluids and a huge increase in blood volume. Only a small percentage of weight is maternal fat stores. The body stores this fat during pregnancy as a biological function to prepare the body for breastfeeding in the coming months. Without this weight gain, it is unlikely that breastfeeding will be successful.

Friday, June 17, 2011

How to Improve Blood Circulation Flow

Poor circulation problems contribute to heart disease, diabetes complications and other serious blood circulation conditions.

So knowing how to improve circulation and blood flow is vitally important to your health.

And learning how to improve blood circulation flow begins with your heart. Your heart's just a small muscle the size of your fist. But it's the power that pumps blood through miles of blood vessels to all parts of your body.

However, blood can only flow freely through blood vessels that are clear and free of debris. Otherwise, you'll have poor circulation problems.

The main unhealthy habits that cause poor blood circulation are

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Poor Food Digestion vs Good Food Digestion

Eating good food and having good digestion are both vitally essential to good health.

Good digestion is necessary to break down the good food you eat into a form your body can use for nourishment and vital energy.

However, poor digestion problems and digestive disorders are rampant in the U.S. As a matter of fact, more money is spent in this country on medicinal digestive aids than is spent on public school education.

You’ve probably heard the old saying, "You are what you eat."

But it's just a half-truth and doesn't cover the whole picture. It would be more accurate to say, "You are what you eat and what you digest."

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Good Food Digestion and Digestive System Diagram

Good food digestion starts with your diet and goes from top (mouth) to bottom (anus).

But as you'll see from the digestive system diagram below, for food to make you healthy, your digestive system must be healthy too.

If you start with healthy food and all the parts of the digestive system work well, a healthy digestive system will turn good food into good nutrition. Healthy protein, carbs and fats become healthy energy and immunity.

This means you'll look better, feel better and be much healthier.

But even with good food, poor digestion can cause digestive problems, like gas, heartburn, bloating, bad breath, diarrhea and constipation, or digestive disorders like Crohn's Disease, GERD or irritable bowel syndrome.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How the Immune System Works with Lymph Diagram

Inside your body there's a magnificent mechanism called the immune system.

How the immune system works along with the lymph system is very complex. But here's a simple way to understand immune power.

The purpose of your immune system is to fight for your health and defend you against all of the many viruses, bacteria, microbes, parasites and toxins that are just chomping-at-the-bit to take over your body.

Want to know what a great job your defense system is doing right now?

Once a person's lymph and immune system are gone (when they die) the invasion of these parasitic and microbial body snatchers begins. And within just a few weeks there will be nothing left but a skeleton!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

How to Control Blood Sugar Levels Naturally

Although blood sugar control is made to appear complicated, it's usually simple.

And with diabetes skyrocketing, knowing how to control blood sugar naturally is vitally important to your health and well being.

What is blood sugar anyway? Simply put, blood sugar (glucose) is the fuel that feeds your brain, nervous system and body tissues. And maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is essential to your mind, body and health.

And while you need glucose, most people's blood sugar is out of control.

Even though a healthy body can make glucose from protein and fats, your blood sugar levels are mainly based on your carbohydrate consumption. Normal blood sugar levels fluctuate between 80 and140 mg/dL.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Whole Grains, Fiber and Diabetes in Women

The link between whole grains, fiber and diabetes in women hasn't been clear.

But recent research done by Harvard School of Public Health clarified the great benefits of whole grain fiber for women with diabetes.

In the Harvard study, published in the peer-reviewed Circulation, women with diabetes who ate the most whole grains had considerably lower death rates than those getting the least whole grain fiber.

This was a breakthrough connecting high fiber and diabetes in women.

Earlier studies showed whole grains offered healthy heart protection to men with diabetes and people in general, but this study was the first showing the specific protective effect of fiber for women with diabetes.