People always seem drawn to and curious about hot yoga. There is sort of a sensationalized image of hot yoga: steamy room, sweat dripping from contorted bodies, etc. The rooms I’ve been in lacked the dramatic steam, but certainly had the sweat you would expect from this yoga practice. While not as glamourous as you may think, this yoga does have its benefits.
Hot yoga was introduced through Bikram yoga, but not all hot yoga is bikram. You can do yoga of any sort in a room with the heat turned up. Temperatures are typically 95 – 105 degrees.
The major benefit of the heat is it allows the muscles to really relax. This increases flexibility at early points in the practice — rather than the typical need to ‘warm up’ before really finding some good lengthening. I find the heat so helpful with this that I will dress in layers if I am unable to practice in a warm room.