Thursday, May 31, 2012

Healing Power of the Mind - Treating Illnesses with Mind Power

Do you ever wonder why some cancer victims heal and recover from their illnesses while some don’t? Do you ever wonder what defines the difference between these two kinds of cancer-afflicted people? It is true that those who have been healed have a secret: the healing power of the mind. The healing power of the mind is not a mysterious thing that can be activated by gibberish and mumbo-jumbo rituals and words. The healing power of the mind is actually based on one thing: positive thinking.

Maybe you’re thinking that these people are super-optimists. No they are not. They too, have had their share of discouragement and had reacted accordingly. They too had felt that life had been unfair to them.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Hip Arthritis: Resurfacing vs. Replacement

QUESTION: Is there a benefit to hip resurfacing instead of hip replacement in surgery for painful hip arthritis?

ANSWER: Theoretically, resurfacing the worn out ball-and-socket joint of the arthritic hip with metal shells seems like a good "conservative" idea, avoiding throwing away the ball (femoral head) as done in a hip replacement, possibly withstanding running and jumping sports better over time. But early experience with resurfacing in the '80s was disastrous, and recent designs, despite newer materials, are as yet unproven over the long term. What is clear so far is that current resurfacing hip surgery has a higher incidence of complications including hip fracture, loosening of the cemented shell on the femur bone, and metal ion wear particles spread to the entire body via the bloodstream with unknown future consequences. The operation requires a larger incision, more muscle and tendon dissection, likely greater blood loss (increasing the chance of a need for blood transfusions), and a longer period of rehabilitation. Minimal incision, muscle sparing, uncemented total hip replacement with state-of-the-art bearing surface materials remains the gold-standard treatment for painful, disabling hip arthritis for the vast majority of patients.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Healthy Reminder: Sign Up for Facebook Connect

Did you know that happiness is contagious? Seriously, studies have shown that if one of your friends is happy, that emotion can spread to you--and more of your friends. We like that news so much that we're making it even easier for you to spread the happiness bug to your friends.

You can now comment on (including Vitamin G, of course!) using your Facebook login. Why would you want to do that, you might ask. Well, for one thing, if you don't have a username yet, this is a super-easy way to get one.

Already a die-hard commenter? By using Facebook Connect, you can now choose to have the comments you leave on appear in your Facebook newsfeed for your all of your FB friends to see. (Don't worry, we always give you the option to share those comments--it doesn't happen automatically.)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Healthy Relationships: What Do You Fight With Your Guy About Over the Holidays?

So funny: I caught a clip of Oprah's White House Christmas special, where the Obamas appeared to be just a teensy bit tense with each other about this funny holiday topic (and I totally related!) ...


President Obama insisted that he gave better gifts than Michelle gave him, and I think it offended her just a teensy bit. She objected, then he pointed to her pearl necklace and said something like this, "now who gave you that strand around your neck? Huh?"

I love these kind of moments because it reminds us of how alike we all are, you know? I mean, if the President and his wife bicker about presents, it makes me feel a tad more normal. (Jason, if you're reading this post, I just have two words for you: scented candles.)

Health Controversy: Did You Know That It's Illegal to Enter the U.S. if You Have HIV?

Say you live in another country and want to visit the U.S. If you're HIV-positive, you'll be turned away at customs. Why? Did you know that U.S. law forbids HIV-positive people from visiting the states? However, this controversial restriction is finally getting repealed ...

President Obama's announced Friday that he would end the two-decade ban on people with HIV from entering the country. He called the restriction "archaic" and "discriminatory," and public health experts hailed his decision.

Shockingly, the United States is just one of a small group of countries including Yemen, Qatar and Sudan, that bar HIV-visitors from crossing into their borders.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Have You Ever Been in a Loooong Line at a Public Restroom, and Considered ... Using the Men's Room?

Raise your hand if you've thought about it ... or done it! Recently, before I ran a 5-mile race, the line for the women's restroom was so long, I almost missed the beginning of it. I was tempted to use the guy's facilities, but the line started moving at the very last minute. If you've ever been frustrated that guys have it better than we do when it comes to bathrooms, you'll love this new proposed law ...

You could call it potty parity, because that's what a group behind a new proposed law is after. Guys can buzz in and pee in a long line of urinals--or urinal stations, whatever you call them (what do you call them?)--while gals have to wait in long lines for one, maybe two stalls. Fair? I say not!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Happiness Flashback: Did You Collect Anything as a Kid? My Little Ponies? Stickers? Rocks?

Did you collect anything as a kid? Stickers? Strawberry Shortcake dolls? My Little Ponies? Baseball cards? Rocks? Pennies? Didn't it make you insanely happy? Tell me about your collections ...

As a kid, I collected the following things, all of which--at one time or another--made me happy:

*Cabbage Patch Kids: Well, I guess I actually didn't collect them, but I had six and I loved them so much. There were five girls and a boy, named Leland. I think I still have his "birth certificate" in a box from childhood somewhere.

*Rocks: I used to love my rock collection, until my younger brother decided to bury it (he went through a pirate phase when he was into burying "treasure"--only problem was this: He buried my rock collection in the yard and then forgot where he buried it. To this day, it is still lost.)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Finally, Some Good News: Superbugs (You Know, MRSA) May Be on the Decline

It can sometimes seem like what's bad just keeps getting worse, but that may not be the case for MRSA, at least in hospital settings. The CDC reports that the superbug may be on the decline. Great news for all of us, and me, as I have a hospital stay coming up ...

The antibiotic-resistant microbe called MRSA was once believed to be running rampant in hospitals. And while it's still a concerns, the CDC recently reported that infection rates from hospital-acquired MRSA are down 28 percent.

"We are encouraged by the findings," said CDC's Dr. Alexander Kallen, whose study is published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Fall Fitness: "How Can I Get Toned, Strong Arms?"

In another installment of our fall fitness series, today we take a look at our arms--and what we can do to tone them up and get more strength...

Personal trainer extraordinaire Kelly Singer of Sassy Fit is back to lead us through some terrific exercises to get our arms in tip top shape! Take it away Kelly!

When you see a woman with amazing arms, it's the first indicator that she's in great shape. The request for toned, strong arms is one that I receive often and I'm excited to share my tips with you and some favorite moves from our Sassy Fit Method!

To get the look, you need to focus on three muscle groups: your triceps, biceps, and shoulders. I love using therabands, traditionally used for pilates, because they offer resistance during the lifting and the lowering movements of the exercise--doubling the results you would get with a hand weight. They're also travel friendly so you can take them with you anywhere and are usually under $20. (You can buy a set here.)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Everything Is Killing Us & Causing Cancer: So, I'm Declaring This No-Worries Day

Do you ever get fed up about health news that hints that everything you're doing, or not doing, is either killing you slowly or giving you cancer? Here's the thing, gals, I read research studies all day, every day, and lately, I've been a little discouraged by all the headlines (some of them contradicting themselves, even!), so I thought maybe you might be, too. I mean, we can only protect ourselves from health risks so much before paranoia sets in. So, I say let's take a breather and chill. Join me?

Just yesterday I read a Reuter's piece with the following headline: "Americans Bombarded With Cancer Causes." Well, that just about sums up my attitude. Sometimes all the health news out there can feel defeating, and frankly, I'm a little sick of it. So, that's why I've declared today a no-worries day. Caring about your health is one thing, but fretting about it is another.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Detox Drinks

Detox drinks are the drinks that can promote the natural detoxification process of the body. Find out some drinks that can assist the organs responsible for eliminating toxins from the body, in order to facilitate the natural detoxification mechanism of your body.

Detoxification can be termed as the natural process or mechanism, through which our body eliminates the impurities or toxins along with the unwanted substances. If such harmful substances are not expelled, they gradually accumulate inside the body and in the blood to cause various health problems. Therefore, our body regularly expels the substances that it does not require, in the form of urine, sweat and stool. Organs like, liver, kidneys, intestine, lungs, lymph, as well as the skin are the organs that assist this natural process of detoxification. At times, this natural detoxification mechanism requires some help to completely remove all kinds of impurities from the body. In this regard, detox drinks can be considered as the product that can assist this natural detoxification mechanism of our body.

Detox Diet Plan

The various detox diet plan presented in this article should be useful for cleansing the body. Removal of toxins results into many health benefits. Let us find more about the different detox diets plans.

The detox diet plans vary on the basis of their duration; the '3 day detox', '7 day detox' plans are generally used by people. There are a lot of benefits offered by detox which helps cleanse the body. Detox is a short form of detoxification; the removal of toxins which accumulate in our body on a regular basis is possible with detox programs. The body's natural resistance to illness is increased after these detox programs. Detox diet plan, weight loss programs and other such measures cause the brain to produce chemicals which altogether give a sense of well being. Let us get into the details of detox diets plans through information presented below.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Cancer, if You Aren't Treating the Cause There Can be no Real Cure

We pour billions of dollars into research to discover a cure for cancer, but there will never be a cure other than respecting our genetic heritage and living, breathing, eating and drinking the way we are designed to do. A pill or a vaccine to save us just isn’t going to happen.

Struggling with cancer? Is your doctor only trying to remove the cancer growths? If that is so, then maybe you should find another doctor. Conventional treatments for cancer today are a search and destroy mission with little thought being done about the damage to the human body. The cancer growths are only a symptom of a problem, the cause of the problem lies somewhere else and until you address the cause, these growths are only going to reappear again in some other part of the body.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Cancer Treatment: Radiation Therapy

Read on to know more about the types of radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer and their effects on the body

Cancer cells grow rapidly and cause tumors in the body. Radiation therapy aims at destroying these cancer cells which prevents their growth and spread in the body.

For this purpose, different types of radiation sources such as X-Rays, Gamma Rays, and Particle Beams of electrons, protons or neutrons are used to destroy the cancer cells within the body. This cancer radiation therapy is used to treat patients with almost any type of cancer. Often cancer radiation therapy is also accompanied by other medical treatments that are given to the cancer patients.