Thursday, March 31, 2011

Diagnosing For Vitamin D Deficiency

We have been exposed to too many vampire films that we’ve somehow managed to adapt avoiding sun exposure and shutting ourselves inside and instead engage in an indoor lifestyle which includes online games, online social networking and Teevo. Who needs to go out anyway?

Majority of the population rarely gets the chance to bask under the sun but on the occasional exposure, some would immediately slather up with sun block, cover up with wide-brim hats and long-sleeved tops, dab the lips with an SPF Lip Balm, protect the eyes from UV rays with aviator shades and top it off with a stylish bohemian scarf around your hair or even cover an exposed neck – these are just a few of the allegedly, “Everyday Sun Protection Essentials” and in effect, we now face serious Vitamin D deficiency.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Vitamin D – Sunshine Vitamin Continues To Shine

Vitamin D, also known as Sunshine Vitamin, sure is enjoying the spotlight for all the positive impact it creates to a human body.

An immunity booster, hormone regulator, healthy brain, metabolism, diabetes prevention, cancer prevention and cardiovascular health – these are just a few of the title roles credited to vitamin D.

In addition, we also owe our strong footing to vitamin D that helps maintain our bones healthy by stimulating bone cells to make new bone while enhancing the application of calcium. Apart from that, significant amount of vitamin D extends human life with an additional five years.

Top 3 Ways to Reduce Post-Workout Soreness

You made your New Year's Resolution, and then on Monday kicked-up the intensity of your running routine, hopped on the new rowing machine you got for Christmas, or lifted those few extra pounds at the gym. Great Work!

But today, thanks to delayed onset muscle soreness, your body might be feeling a bit stiff. No sweat, soothe your post-workout aches and pains with a few of my favorite sore muscle relievers. You'll be back on track and ready to meet those goals in no time!

3 Ways to Reduce Post-Workout Soreness

1. Massage

Grab a lacrosse ball or two and roll away those aches with a few pain relieving massage moves. (substitute a tennis, or racketball)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Healthy Permanent Weight Loss Strategies that Work

Is healthy permanent weight loss possible for you? Do you know what it takes? Are you willing to make the necessary lifestyle changes?

In our super-size, eat-on-the-run, death-by-chocolate society, healthy permanent weight loss can be a real battle. And winning the battle of the bulge takes weight loss strategies that work and die-hard commitment.

By now, we all know that nobody wins with fad diets and quick fixes. So, what are healthy permanent weight loss strategies that work? Here's the strategic battle plan you need to stick with it through thick and thin.

7 Healthy Permanent Weight Loss Strategies that Work

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Benefits of Meditation

When it comes to making meditation a part of your daily routine it is metaphorically-speaking, a no brainer. Studies show it does everything from taming the run-away monkey-mind, increasing creativity, pumping up energy and vitality, reducing muscle pain, lowering stress, boosting organizational skills, to offering mental and physical flexibility.

The ability to quiet one's mind and retreat to a thought-free state of calmness opens the connection to higher intelligence and greatly enhances problem-solving abilities. A study at Massachusetts General Hospital found that the cerebral cortex (the part of the brain that deals with focusing on processing sensory input) is more active in meditators.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The truth about toning shoes, and other fitness gear that doesn't work

People are always looking for the quick fix. Pills that will bust belly fat overnight. Exercise machines that will give you fab abs in no time. Flip-flops that can help you get fit faster. Special sneakers that sculpt your butt and help you get in shape.

Sound too good to be true? It usually is. And when it comes to trendy, pricy toning shoes—which have rounded or unstable soles that are supposed to help the wearer burn more calories by increasing "muscle activation"—studies show that while exercise does plenty to boost calorie consumption and tone your bod, the shoes don't really make a difference.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Are You an Emotional Overeater? Take this Quiz and Learn How to Overcome It!

Does a fight with your mate or an argument with your teenager propel you straight to the bottom of an ice-cream carton? Does an impending job interview send you to the nearest drive-thru lane faster than you can say, “Fries with that, please?” Did you have a flat tire on the way home from work and then make a beeline to the fridge? Perhaps you eat when you’re tense, lonely, afraid, depressed, or angry—pretty much any time things go a bit wrong. If so, you may be overeating in response to emotions such as boredom, loneliness, anger, sadness or fear.

Take this short quiz to find out if you are an emotional overeater.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

16 tips for getting good sleep

There’s a lot of advice out there about getting good sleep -- it's VERY important. We quickly adjust to being sleep-deprived, and don't notice that we aren't functioning at a normal level, but lack of sleep really affects us. If you're feeling blue or listless, try going to sleep thirty minutes earlier for a week. It can really help.

Here are tips that have helped me get good sleep:

Good habits for good sleep:

1. Exercise most days, even if it’s just to take a walk.

2. No caffeine after 7:00 p.m.

3. An hour before bedtime, avoid doing any kind of work that takes alert thinking. Addressing envelopes—okay. Analyzing an article—nope.

Monday, March 7, 2011

8 Surprising Fertility Facts Every Woman Should Know

Right now, you may be more into preventing pregnancy than having a kid. But there are habits to take on now and behaviors you should avoid that will make it easier for you to conceive when you are ready to be a mom. Here's what you need to know.

1. Always Have Safe Sex

Unless you know for sure that your guy is STD-free, condoms are your best protection against fertility threats such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. If left untreated, these bacterial infections can enter your uterus and fallopian tubes, where they morph into a more serious condition called Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). Scarily, one in five women with PID end up infertile.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dealing With Doctor Anxiety

You’re not alone if you stand in awe of your physician and as a result, don’t get the quality of medical care you should. Studies tell us that the better the communication between doctor and patient, equal to equal, the better the health care the patient will get.

Sometimes patients hesitate to question their doctors for fear they will get angry or feel insulted. Surveys show, however, that most physicians respond positively to direct requests for information.

There are ways by which the patient can help improve the communication process. Here are the basics:

--Go to the doctor’s office prepared with detailed information on your personal and family medical history. List your symptoms in the order in which they appeared and describe them as precisely as possible – their location in our body, their frequency, their effect on our everyday activities.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How to Stay Committed to Your Exercise and Weight Loss Goals

It’s normal to have days when you really don’t want to exercise or look at another salad. But before you pick up a fork and dig into sugary frosting or write off the gym, try this idea that JJ Virgin, the author of Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy, says is personal kryptonite against program destroyers.

Let’s be honest here. You will need something concrete to really motivate you when times get hard. There will come a day when you have a big fight with your mother on the phone or your boss is really demanding. Maybe the car won’t start and your kids are screaming. Suddenly the idea of motivation is out the window and all you want is a Snickers bar.