Vitamin D, also known as Sunshine Vitamin, sure is enjoying the spotlight for all the positive impact it creates to a human body.
An immunity booster, hormone regulator, healthy brain, metabolism, diabetes prevention, cancer prevention and cardiovascular health – these are just a few of the title roles credited to vitamin D.
In addition, we also owe our strong footing to vitamin D that helps maintain our bones healthy by stimulating bone cells to make new bone while enhancing the application of calcium. Apart from that, significant amount of vitamin D extends human life with an additional five years.
Vitamin D 101
There is no such thing as getting too much vitamin D3 from the sun.
Exposing your skin to the sunlight produces vitamin D3.
Your kidneys are the main organ that converts vitamin D to its biologically active form before it could actually perform its one too many admirable functions in the body. Inside our body are vitamin D organ receptors that act as a receiving device capable of binding both the active and inactive forms of our sunshine vitamins. Cells lining in your lungs and digestive tract can activate vitamin D to help fight infection.
Vitamin D can be assumed to be fundamentally important in survival because great variety of tissues and types of cells use vitamin D. In recognition to that, the body has made provisions to store vitamin D in your liver and the lining of the digestive tract, acting as a savings account which may come in handy during times of need such as long winter months.
Believe it or not, our skin has a built in sunscreen already so it is a total nonsense for the majority of the population to think that routine sun exposure is a major health risk.
Vitamin D Supplemental Measures
Americans are known to have low vitamin D levels, which is why the recommended daily intake escalated to 2000 IU to bring it to a normal level. As opposed to the government’s recommendation daily intake of 400 IU to 600 IU, this amount of supplement cannot bring the vitamin D levels of an overweight child and new born to a normal level.
During winter months, younger men on the other hand require at least 700 IU to 800 IU of vitamin D per day solely to maintain optimal bone health.
To fully understand how much supplemental vitamin D is necessary to maintain the normal range, take note of deficiency indicators and from there it’ll be easier to identify the right amount that your body requires.
D Indicator #1: Immune System
Cathelicidin is a product of immune cells and vitamin D that kills bacteria and in some ways may be compared to a vacuum machine.
A vacuum machine is designed to clean and wipe off unnecessary dusts. But if it lacks a power source, the cleaning won’t take place and will leave a filthy surrounding.
In the case of the immune system, vitamin D is the power source that must be present so that cathelicidin can perform its bodily duties.
Recurring skin problems are symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, triggered by increased infection. Infections are caused by bacteria. Bacteria are suppose to be destroyed by the immune system if there is an abundance supply of vitamin D.
D Indicator #2: Autoimmune Problems
Vitamin D, aside from boosting underperformance has a pacifying effect on excessive and improper hyperactive behavior of the immune cells. Additional wonders of vitamin D are that it improves arthritis, autoimmune type I diabetes, and inflammatory bowel disease.
D Indicator #3: The Big “C”
One among the amazing roles of vitamin D is to tell the genes what to do in relation to cell growth and division.
Cancer problems imply that cell division has gotten out of control in an improper behavior. As mentioned earlier, vitamin D pacifies the immune cells whenever they start going ballistic. Vitamin D acts as the peacemaker regulating cell growth and differentiation to maintain it in a healthy condition.
D Indicator #4: Diabetes and Obesity
Struggle in losing weight or with the health of your pancreas is an indication that extra vitamin D is necessary.
Overweight people are encouraged to bask under the sun because vitamin D is helpful for the healthy metabolism of blood sugar and fat. Go for a run under the sun. Apart from the vitamin D you are getting, you are also burning calories with the exercise you are doing.
People living further the equator make a good candidate for type 1 diabetes, which is a dramatic result of vitamin D deficiency.
D Indicator #5: The Central Pump
Vitamin D prevents heart failure and improves the blood flow because it assists the heart from the stressful pumping and swelling in size. That’s why vitamin D is also labeled as “The Heart Tranquilizer”.
D Indicator #6: Brain Health
Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy causes brain abnormalities similar to those seen in patients with schizophrenia. Since vitamin D is relative to gene transcription in the evolving nervous system, a deficiency is bound to cause some kind of problems.
Go Out And Get Your Dose Of Vitamin D!
Vitamin D has all the right to its throne for the countless health benefits it provides our body. So beneficial, that we should start loading up with these sunshine vitamins to help improve our immune system.
As part of a healthy lifestyle, go out in the sun and get as much sunshine as you can get. This is one of the best feats of vitamin D; it is conveniently available to everyone anytime and anywhere.
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