The articles is about hypnosis, how it can help you and what are the instances that are best to consult a hypnotherapist.
Hypnotherapy is commonly used to relieve stress. Its objective is to make you feel relaxed more deeply. Hypnotherapy gives you the capability to live a life without being controlled by your past hurts and pains. Through hypnosis, hypnotherapy gives a person the capability to aim their subconscious mind and control their psychological beliefs and point of views. Stressed people suffer from psychological and physiological symptoms. Hence, it is vital to get stress under control so it will not create more negative thoughts or feelings into your life.
Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD is the type of stress people usually encounter. PTSD is commonly a result when a certain individual suffer from a traumatic event. People with PTSD are more likely to be frightened in the thoughts and feelings related to the said event. With the help of hypnotherapy people in this condition can easily manage their stress.
Hypnotherapy is also more effective to cure pregnant women under extreme stress. Pregnant women are more prone to stress because they are experiencing physical, psychological and hormonal changes. More often, pregnant women suffer from stress because of their fear and anxiety about their baby's health and delivery. Furthermore, stress is magnified as pregnant women experience different changes in their life including their social, occupational, financial and physical situations.
Hypnotherapy makes a person's body relax through hypnosis. Patients undergoing hypnosis will be more focused and attentive. Hypnosis can also help decrease blood pressure and heart rate at the same time alters certain type of brain wave activity. During the state or relaxation, a person might experience physical comfort yet fully awake mentally. Under this state of concentration a person is more likely to respond to any suggestion.
Hypnosis incorporates different stages such as identification, relaxation, absorption, dissociation, response, awareness and reflection. Hypnotherapist first engaged the patient by reframing the problem until the patient is in the state of relaxation. He will then present words and images. Once the patient comply wholeheartedly with the therapist, the hypnotherapist then let the patient gain its awareness. After that, reflection will be done.
Other problems or conditions that respond well to hypnotherapy are: inflammatory bowel diseases, sleep disorders, addictions, warts, bedwetting, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, phobias, labor and delivery, fractures, skin disorders, migraine headaches, stress, tinnitus, cancer related pain, weight loss, eating disorders and indigestion.
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