Monday, May 9, 2011

Exercise Walking Shoes for Women to Choose

The best exercise walking shoes for women are health essentials in your wardrobe.

In order to get the most comfortable walking shoes and the best walking shoes for women, follow this best walking shoes guide.

Because, just like Cinderella, if the shoe is a perfect fit, you can reap great rewards. And, wearing comfortable walking shoes that best support your individual needs will prevent blisters, calluses and more serious injuries.

Plus, wearing the best, most comfortable walking shoes that fit perfectly will also help you stick with your regular daily walking exercise routine.

How to Get the Best Walking Shoes for Women

?Always choose comfort and fit over fashionable design. If the shoes hurt your feet while walking, it doesn't matter how good they look. The goal is to look and feel good in the long run (or "long walk" in this case).

Here's how to choose the best exercise walking shoes for women.

1. Shop at a store where you have plenty of options and the freedom to walk around and try out each pair.

2. To get the best fit, wear the same socks you wear when walking. And shop for shoes when your feet are most swollen – later in the day or after you've been walking for awhile.

3. Have both feet measured (while standing up) every time you buy shoes. If one foot is bigger than the other, go with the larger foot size.

4. Whether you have high arches, low arches or neutral arches, choose walking shoes that best accommodate your arch type. If necessary purchase good quality arch supports.

5. Always try on both shoes of several models and walk around the store. Make sure your heel fits snuggly and you have at least a half-inch space in front of your big toe. Look for comfort first. Never buy shoes you need to “break in.”

6. Make sure the shoe is wide enough. If you have wide feet for a woman, try on men or boys' shoes. Your walking exercise shoes should be snug, but never tight.

7. For walking, consider low heeled, flexible running shoes. The design is often years ahead of those made for walking and they may offer stronger support.

You'll need to get new exercise walking shoes every 3 to 6 months, depending on how much you walk and the hardness of the surface.

And, if after a few walks you fall in love with your new walking shoes, get right back to the store and buy yourself another pair or two. Shoe companies have an annoying habit of discontinuing models and changing styles just after you discover your favorite walking shoes.

Plus, with two pair of shoes, you can switch them off on a daily basis. Walking shoes last longer when you let them air out between walks.

The health benefits of walking exercise for women are extraordinary. And the walking shoes you choose can make or break your exercise walking routine. So make sure you get the best walking shoes for women. ?


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