Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Glycemic Diet of Low Glycemic Foods

Scientific studies from all around the world show that the glycemic diet, based on healthy low glycemic foods, is the healthiest way to lose weight and keep it off – especially when you add moderate physical activity.

Research shows the glycemic diet of low glycemic foods can help you:

* Lose weight,

* Clear up your skin,

* Reduce mood swings,

* Decrease insulin resistance,

* Reduce the risk of heart disease,

* Feel less hunger and food cravings,

* Decrease your risk of type two diabetes,

* Lower triglyceride levels and blood pressure,

* And achieve long lasting and permanent weight loss.

Wow! That's quite a list of benefits. But how could the glycemic diet make such a huge difference? It all starts with understanding carbohydrates.

Low Glycemic Foods Vs Bad Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates can be a controversial topic. Some say we should eat more, while others say we should eat less. But most studies show both points of view are overly simplified. All carbohydrates are not created equal!

Good (low glycemic) carbohydrates, such as beans, whole grains and most vegetables, are slowly absorbed into the bloodstream providing stable blood sugar levels that can help keep you healthy and fit.

But bad (high glycemic) carbohydrates, like sugar, most potatoes and refined grains, are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream causing dangerous blood sugar spikes with high and low blood sugar swings. This can lead to heart disease, diabetes and many other health problems.

When high glycemic foods cause high blood sugar, it sets off an insulin surge leading to lower blood sugar. These high low swings cause you to:

* Convert the sugar you eat into stored fat,

* Make you feel ravenously hungry,

* And stops fat burning.

If you're eating a modern high glycemic diet, like most people today, you end up on a glycemic roller coaster ride every day. Up and down! Up and down! High and low! High and low! Until one day it’s – over and out!

Foods to Choose and Foods to Refuse

If you want to get off the endless insulin roller coaster ride, choose healthy low glycemic foods from the glycemic foods index to help you:

* Look better,

* Burn more calories,

* Lose weight much easier,

* Keep the weight off permanently,

* And feel less hungry and more satisfied.

And the list of glycemic foods makes it easier to make healthy choices. It's your healthy guide and road map for finding your way through the confusing good-bad, high-low glycemic carbohydrate maze.

The “foods to refuse” consist of foods too high in unhealthy fat calories and those that cause an unwanted insulin swing. As part of an overall nutritious food plan, eat moderate amounts of the healthy weight “Foods to Choose” and avoid the overweight “Foods to Refuse.” It’s that simple.


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