Friday, December 30, 2011

Weight Loss - Some Tips On How You Can Lose Weight

While many folks diet for the goal of quick weight loss, one of the most common issues is always feeling hungry. To be able to fight the hunger problems, you should try these following strategies and use them in your diet plan. For starters, eat a good amount of fiber rich foods. Eating a good amount of fruits for instance pears, apples grapes and strawberries are packed with fiber to help aid in your weight loss program. Easy does it however when it comes to fiber as it could be filling but there are numerous unpleasant side effects that may accompany heavy fiber eating. Many people don't know but eating beans can provide a great amount of fiber for your diet. DigestIt colon cleanse is a great product to keep in mind when consuming rich fiber diets because it can reduce heavy bloatedness, excessive gas, constipation and water retention, and weight loss and be sure to spread out your rich fiber intake through the day so that you don't feel uncomfortable

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet Plan - My Daily Meal Plan

A Simple vegetarian weight loss diet plan that when followed within a short period of time noticeable result will start to be showing

Quick way to weight loss has been a major problem to the world as a whole, Obesity has become a growing problem in developed countries like US, United Kingdom, Canada e.t.c. 20 years ago, it used to be 1 in every 50 persons that was over weighted, but now 5 in every 10 kids are over weighted and 3 in every 10 adults are over weighted. For instance, there are growing numbers of pills on weight loss in the market today. 99 percent of these products come with dubious guarantees because they just want to make money from those who are in dire need. Taking these pills come with a lot of price to pay because they all have side effects and this is why most people turn to dieting. Dieting is safer when compared to taking pills because it's a natural daily meal that we eat. It's just that we eat in a well prepared manner. I will be listing some few vegetarian weight loss diet plan that i have used over years with good result.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Weight Loss Math

As soon as you start to reveal your weight loss objectives with people they're going to start offering you advice. Many individuals will try to be helpful. They will want your voyage to be an uncomplicated one. One of the most frequent things you will pick up is that "weight loss is simply math." The key of this notion is basically true. Obviously this will not make your journey any easier. Nobody lets you know how to take solace in the math when you're endeavoring to keep away from your favorite unhealthy snack foods or when you are too tired to keep working out. This post can assist you with that portion of it.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Weight Loss and Archery

Would you be among the many who are suffering from being obese? Have you lost hope in slimming down? There are plenty of causes as to why an individual becomes overweight but majority of the those who are overweight suffer almost the same thing. These people feel frustrated because of not being in control of themselves. Keep reading to find out how to lose weight slowly but effectively if you are suffering from difficulty sleeping because of your weight.

First, you should be aware that aside from hereditary a sedentary lifestyle is one of the biggest reasons why people get fat. And research has revealed that being fat or overweight can lead to poor health. There are many diseases being linked to obesity and this is simply not good because it will not only ruin your life but may cause death.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Weight Loss For Idiots

Weight loss for Idiots is a best selling guide for those wanting to lose unwanted pounds.

There a lot of programs that you can subscribe to in regards to losing fat and building muscle, but if you’re not careful you’ll invest time into a failure. If you’re looking to seriously drop some pounds, you should consider a break through option that will have you eating more, and enjoying life in a greater capacity. You don’t have to cut calories, carbs, fat, and so much more. You don’t have to lose your love of food, in fact you can regain a love for food without adding pounds to your body. Weight loss for idiots the key to this overall reclaiming of youthful energy and dieting.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

8 Ideas to Make Your Home Help in Your Weight Loss Goals

Home: a time to relax, to be with your family, and, unfortunately, a trigger for straying from your weight-loss goals. It’s all too easy to grab a “convenience” snack or sit on the couch for hours on end, watching television or surfing the ‘net. Here are ten ways for you to make your home help, not hurt, your progress:

A Remote Remote. If you tend to watch television to relax, move the remote so that you must physically get up to retrieve it to change the channel.

Clean Sweep. Get rid of all non-nutritious snacks: sodium and calorie-laden chips, candy bars, or whatever your vice may be. If it’s not present, and you would have to actually leave your home to go get it, chances are you will elect to do without.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

5 Simple Ways to Improve the Quality of Your Life!

As a new year begins, most people decide to change something about their lifestyles to improve the quality of their health, relationships, and/or working life. Some of those desired changes can be daunting, however. Fortunately, there are many small steps all of us can take to help us live a better and more fulfilling life. Here are eight ways to get started:

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables. It’s advice we have all heard but instead of just acknowledging the benefits (among them, reducing your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and eye problems, as well as keeping your blood sugar steady, thus reducing your appetite), actually do it. For both fruits and vegetables, the most nutritious are the colorful ones: orange, yellow, red, and dark green. Add fruit to your cereal; take a piece or two with you to work. Make sure both lunch and dinner include fresh vegetables.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How Long Should It Take to (Safely) Lose Baby Weight?

These days, it seems like everywhere you look, there's a photo of a celeb strutting around Cabo in a string bikini -- just weeks after giving birth! That's some seriously fast weight loss.

But at least one actress, "The Fighter" star Amy Adams, recently said she's taking it nice and slow. Baby comes first. Body comes second.

This got us thinking ... when it comes to losing post-baby poundage, what's realistic -- and safe -- for you and your little one? Here's what the experts say:

"New moms need to be respectful of the ordeal their body has just undergone," says Mary Jayne Johnson, Ph.D., spokeswoman for the American Council on Exercise. "They need rest and healthful nutrition. This is not the time for crash diets, fad diets or weight-loss supplements."

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Yoga for Runners

Not only am I an avid practicer of yoga, I am also a marathon runner. These two might sound completely opposite, but they have much more in common than you would think. Especially if you are the kind who likes to learn something deeper from what you do. Both activities provide many metaphors for life.

I have talked about the lessons of yoga, and how they apply to life. Well, the same is true for running. The insights I learn from yoga help my thinking and performance in running. Occasionally it is the other way around. Both benefit me tremendously in my daily life. The management of your mental chatter in these activities allows you to do the same in the rest of your day.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How to become a runner

Did you resolve to take up running this year? Maybe it’s not even the first time you’ve set such a goal. If you don’t know where to begin or have tried running before, but didn’t stick with it, we can help you become a runner for life. And who doesn’t want to reap running’s weight-maintaining and mind-clearing benefits for life?

Runner’s World has the perfect 10-week plan designed to get you to the point where you can run 30 minutes without stopping. The simple program designed by Budd Coates, Director of Employee Fitness and Health at Rodale, Inc. (parent company of Runner’s World), begins with more walking than running, and gradually evolves into more running than walking.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hot Yoga

People always seem drawn to and curious about hot yoga. There is sort of a sensationalized image of hot yoga: steamy room, sweat dripping from contorted bodies, etc. The rooms I’ve been in lacked the dramatic steam, but certainly had the sweat you would expect from this yoga practice. While not as glamourous as you may think, this yoga does have its benefits.

Hot yoga was introduced through Bikram yoga, but not all hot yoga is bikram. You can do yoga of any sort in a room with the heat turned up. Temperatures are typically 95 – 105 degrees.

The major benefit of the heat is it allows the muscles to really relax. This increases flexibility at early points in the practice — rather than the typical need to ‘warm up’ before really finding some good lengthening. I find the heat so helpful with this that I will dress in layers if I am unable to practice in a warm room.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Stress Management — Relaxation with Yoga Breathing

As I’ve said before, yoga has many benefits that relate to life — stress management and relaxation are a couple of those benefits. I have learned to find a deep relaxation with yoga breathing, even when I am not doing yoga. Of course deep breathing relaxation exercises are common for managing stress, so this should come as no surprise.

The Inhalation

You should breathe in through your nose. Rather than belly breathing, you want to expand your chest to fill your lungs. In yoga you are trying to keep your core engaged, so this does not play well with belly breathing. Yoga breathing is coordinated with the movements (in vinyasa yoga). Often when a pose is particularly challenging, the instinct is to hold your breath. It is important to keep breathing well at all times, and you will find this true in life.

Yoga for Weight Loss, Wellness, and as a Way of Life

People use yoga for various purposes: yoga for weight loss, yoga for balance, yoga for stress relief--and the list goes on and on. I have seen that the benefits of yoga are infinite. Yoga has the ability to truly change your life.

Many people have false ideas about yoga. My traditional family was concerned it was some strange religion. Some people think you just sit around an hum. Others believe it is simply stretching, and therefore could not produce any real benefit.

Yoga can be extremely intense, depending on the type of practice. It has brought me some of my most intense sweating and most lingering soreness--even beyond what I've experienced with traditional cardio and weight exercises.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Love the Run You're With

I used to hate to run. I used to think people who enjoyed it were nuts.

The problem was:

A) I was running for the wrong reasons, and

B) My mind was working against me.

I used to run in college, and back then I was weird with eating and exercise. I was way too worried about my body and weight--and that was my motivation for running. This totally ruined my enjoyment of the run. I used to dread it all day, but I would force myself to do it anyways. Then I stopped for 8 years.

When I restarted running a few years back, I still wasn't quite right with it. It was better--this time it was marathon training (read: real slow marathon training--speed walkers pass me), not weight control. Having a real purpose (and an end date) made it much better for me. But my head would tell me the whole time how much I wanted to stop. How my legs hurt and I couldn't breathe. My mind was sure my body would be happier if I would just sit down.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How to 'Heart' Your Cardio Workouts

Do you ever remember a time when you actually enjoyed your cardio workouts? You realize that it is beneficial for you heart, you have more energy, and whatnot. Then you begin to become hypnotized by the calorie counters. Pretty soon your focus becomes almost entirely about weight control. You pledge to work out every day (maybe take holidays off...maybe). You vow to continue increasing your intensity. To ensure you stick to it, you promise to suffer extreme guilt for any lapse in your routine.

This type of resolution doesn't last long. Unfortunately the gym can be quite dull. It usually means time away from the the people and the life you would rather be living. What's more, body sculpting and weight loss results are not typically as great as you thought they would be. You suddenly find yourself spiraling down into the dreaded world of...burnout.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Foundations of Health Related Fitness

Above all else, efforts to be active should be in the name of health. Health related fitness can be added in many different ways to your current schedule. It does not have to be time-consuming or difficult--in fact, it is best if it can be included easily into your lifestyle.

You will find an overwhelming amount of information out there about all kinds of different exercise plans. Believe me, the one that works the best is the one that becomes part of your healthy lifestyle for the long haul. This means it has got to be realistic.

Many people burst out of the gate on January 1st, going to the gym 5-7 days a week. They are excited, hopeful about the implementation of health related fitness and its benefits. But then the weight loss doesn't seem to come fast enough and they become discouraged. And of course there is life to consider--it does tend to get in the way of such an aggressive exercise routine.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Boost Your Body Image

Having a good body image means starting now. Don't wait until you lose some random amount of weight before you accept your body. If you choose to wait until you feel your body is perfect before you love it... you will go through your life hating yourself.

The images in magazines are altered. We need to be aware that the images we receive constantly are so distorted. It is impossible to try to live up to an 'ideal' that does not even exist.

The problem is your perception of your body. You know how you stand in front of the bathroom mirror, twisting about to look at all your junk? So you find some imperfections--surprise! These 'flaws' translate to ‘fat’ within our heads. Who gets to decide what is technically considered fat? It is clearly a subjective classification.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The 5 Things You Need to Know About an Eating Disorder

Whether you are struggling with an eating disorder, or you know someone who is, you need to know these facts. These disorders are often not at all what you think they are. It is not about appearance or food. It is not something that can easily be turned off.

1. An eating disorder is not about food. While food provides the focus and distraction of the disorder, it is only the surface issue. This focus on food provides a distraction from deeper emotional issues -- issues the person is not even aware they have. This person is struggling with emotional regulation. He or she does not recognize emotions well and does not cope with them appropriately.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

How to Cope with Emotional Eating, Stress Eating, and Binge Eating

Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is the gorilla in the room. It is a problem nearly everyone has, but hardly anyone talks about. People would rather count things (points, calories, pounds) than face the real issues they have with food and feelings.

Emotional eating is one of the most common food issues I see with my clients and in the general population. This behavior is what derails the most passionate diet efforts (which is why diets don't work ). Healthy eating advice rarely covers the most important aspect of eating...non-hunger or emotional eating.

Many people do not think they emotionally eat because they do not recognize an emotion. You may think stress eating is done when you know you are stressed and you choose to go eat because of that. The sneaky thing is, you don't usually know you are emotional. The purpose of the food is to avoid the feelings.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Phentermine Drug

How to use Phentermine drug?

Among several diseases known in this world, most of them are
generally associated with obesity or overweight. Most of the people
in this world are generally facing many problems due to their
overweight. They have generated inferiority complex in themselves
because of their increasing weight. They have stopped loving
themselves as they have totally failed to control their increasing
weight. If you are also facing the same problems and want to get
rid of your overweight then phentermine is one of the best measures
you can go for. Phentermine drug is not new to the
market and is serving the needs of many people from quite a long
time. Phentermine diet pills can surely do a world
of good in losing weight, if taken in proper amount along with some

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Truth About Calorie Counting

Many of my clients come to me addicted to calorie counting. There is a palpable fear in them about going over a certain number. There is constant worry that maybe they got the number wrong. Maybe they should be eating even less. The result of all of this calorie counting is their worst fear of all: metabolic slowdown.

In school I learned all about how to calculate a person's daily recommended calorie intake. I heard about how many calories were in a pound. The mantra 'calories in, calories out' was pounded into my head. Even then, though, I could see this did not work out in real life. People were not reaching their goals by doing this. Not to mention that it is such a tedious way to live; people eventually just burned out and gave up.

Friday, July 1, 2011

10 Years After Katie Couric's Colonoscopy: What You Need to Know

It's been 10 years since Katie Couric courageously underwent a live colonoscopy on the "Today" show -- an effort to encourage screening after her husband died of colon cancer in 1998.

Millions watched and learned that the procedure is relatively easy and painless -- leading to a 20 percent spike in colonoscopies in the years that followed.

So where are we now, and what should we know about colon cancer a decade later?

To find out, we spoke to Michael Kreines, MD, a gastroenterologist with the Ohio Gastroenterology and Liver Institute and Member of the Medical Science Advisory Committee for the Colon Cancer Alliance.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Healthy Eating is Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating as a path to healthy eating may sound new, but it's not. Freedom from a chaotic relationship with food is something you were born to have. After years of feeling confused and out of control, your search has ended. This program will release you from the choke hold of restriction and binging.

You should have completed about 2 weeks of the first phase of the healthy eating program . Now you are probably starting to feel more stable and energetic. You are noticing some hunger cues popping up between meals and snacks. This may be scary at first, but it means your metabolism is getting ramped up.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Simply The Best Weight Loss Program Ever!

Are you ready for the best weight loss program ever? Why is it so good? It does not require willpower--the Achilles Heel of every diet or healthy eating program you've ever used. This approach works with your body instead of against it.

Let me be clear here: while this program should allow your body to gradually move to your set point weight, the main purpose is not weight loss itself. The issue is really the relationship with food. If you focus on your body or your weight, you will compromise your ability to make these changes. Weight focus makes everything a diet and a race to goal weight. The real goal is a normal, healthy relationship with food (the weight will follow--to the weight your body wants to be, not what your mind wants it to be).

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pregnancy Facts

Just like there aren’t two mothers who are the same, and no two babies are the same, it is safe to say that there are not any two pregnancies that are alike. With that being said, you should not compare how you feel and look for other pregnant women (and even to your own previous pregnancies). In these 40 weeks, your body will transform before your eyes. To some women, this time may fly by, while for others it may seem like a slow journey. Although all women experience vastly different emotional and physical feelings, many women share the same fears and concerns. For every single day of these nine months, you should live confidently, and worry a little less about common myths and misconceptions. Here are some tips that you should remember all the time, especially during pregnancy:

Monday, June 20, 2011

Everything You Need to Know about Pregnancy Nutrition

Although “eating for two” is not entirely true, there are certain macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) that are needed for a healthy pregnancy. The outcome of your pregnancy and the health of the baby are both directly related to maternal nutrition. The average woman should gain between 25 and 35 pounds throughout the pregnancy, but each pregnancy is unique so this will vary from person to person.

This weight is distributed in many different areas of the pregnant body. About half of the weight gained is actually the fetus, placenta, and amniotic fluid. Another large portion of the weight is in the growth of the uterus, breasts, and an increase in tissue fluids and a huge increase in blood volume. Only a small percentage of weight is maternal fat stores. The body stores this fat during pregnancy as a biological function to prepare the body for breastfeeding in the coming months. Without this weight gain, it is unlikely that breastfeeding will be successful.

Friday, June 17, 2011

How to Improve Blood Circulation Flow

Poor circulation problems contribute to heart disease, diabetes complications and other serious blood circulation conditions.

So knowing how to improve circulation and blood flow is vitally important to your health.

And learning how to improve blood circulation flow begins with your heart. Your heart's just a small muscle the size of your fist. But it's the power that pumps blood through miles of blood vessels to all parts of your body.

However, blood can only flow freely through blood vessels that are clear and free of debris. Otherwise, you'll have poor circulation problems.

The main unhealthy habits that cause poor blood circulation are

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Poor Food Digestion vs Good Food Digestion

Eating good food and having good digestion are both vitally essential to good health.

Good digestion is necessary to break down the good food you eat into a form your body can use for nourishment and vital energy.

However, poor digestion problems and digestive disorders are rampant in the U.S. As a matter of fact, more money is spent in this country on medicinal digestive aids than is spent on public school education.

You’ve probably heard the old saying, "You are what you eat."

But it's just a half-truth and doesn't cover the whole picture. It would be more accurate to say, "You are what you eat and what you digest."

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Good Food Digestion and Digestive System Diagram

Good food digestion starts with your diet and goes from top (mouth) to bottom (anus).

But as you'll see from the digestive system diagram below, for food to make you healthy, your digestive system must be healthy too.

If you start with healthy food and all the parts of the digestive system work well, a healthy digestive system will turn good food into good nutrition. Healthy protein, carbs and fats become healthy energy and immunity.

This means you'll look better, feel better and be much healthier.

But even with good food, poor digestion can cause digestive problems, like gas, heartburn, bloating, bad breath, diarrhea and constipation, or digestive disorders like Crohn's Disease, GERD or irritable bowel syndrome.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How the Immune System Works with Lymph Diagram

Inside your body there's a magnificent mechanism called the immune system.

How the immune system works along with the lymph system is very complex. But here's a simple way to understand immune power.

The purpose of your immune system is to fight for your health and defend you against all of the many viruses, bacteria, microbes, parasites and toxins that are just chomping-at-the-bit to take over your body.

Want to know what a great job your defense system is doing right now?

Once a person's lymph and immune system are gone (when they die) the invasion of these parasitic and microbial body snatchers begins. And within just a few weeks there will be nothing left but a skeleton!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

How to Control Blood Sugar Levels Naturally

Although blood sugar control is made to appear complicated, it's usually simple.

And with diabetes skyrocketing, knowing how to control blood sugar naturally is vitally important to your health and well being.

What is blood sugar anyway? Simply put, blood sugar (glucose) is the fuel that feeds your brain, nervous system and body tissues. And maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is essential to your mind, body and health.

And while you need glucose, most people's blood sugar is out of control.

Even though a healthy body can make glucose from protein and fats, your blood sugar levels are mainly based on your carbohydrate consumption. Normal blood sugar levels fluctuate between 80 and140 mg/dL.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Whole Grains, Fiber and Diabetes in Women

The link between whole grains, fiber and diabetes in women hasn't been clear.

But recent research done by Harvard School of Public Health clarified the great benefits of whole grain fiber for women with diabetes.

In the Harvard study, published in the peer-reviewed Circulation, women with diabetes who ate the most whole grains had considerably lower death rates than those getting the least whole grain fiber.

This was a breakthrough connecting high fiber and diabetes in women.

Earlier studies showed whole grains offered healthy heart protection to men with diabetes and people in general, but this study was the first showing the specific protective effect of fiber for women with diabetes.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Celeb Weight Loss Secrets Will Ruin Your Resolutions

This week it's literally impossible to turn on the TV, walk into your local drugstore, or surf the Internet without stumbling upon diet success stories direct from Hollywood!

And because we simply can't escape celebs' bikini bods as we make our New Year's resolutions to lose weight (or at least be able to button our damn jeans again), we may find ourselves brainwashed into thinking that celebs have the magic bullet.

Can you relate? Then you may need a reality check: Even if a star's magic bullet is an actual healthy eating or exercise regimen -- you know, as opposed to lipo -- here are some reasons why attempting to following in his or her footsteps could actually sabotage your weight loss goal.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Choosing the Best Sports Bra

If looking good is part of the reason you exercise, choosing the best sports bra is an essential first step. Don't take your breasts for granted.

Your bust is subject to a lot of stress, which is why it's so very important to be careful when choosing the best sports bra. Whether you're a casual walker or a fitness-freak, exercise is hard on your breasts.

The only way to counteract the bouncing, jiggling, stretching and sagging is to pick the best sports bra to fit your specific shape and regimen.

Here are some things to factor in when buying a sports bra.

How intense is your workout?

When choosing the best sports bra for high impact activities, like running, remember that the support from your bra is vital. Make sure you're neither too constricted nor bouncing around too much.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Heart Disease in Women and the Symptoms

Heart disease in women is the number one killer of American women.

Are you surprised? Most women are. Heart disease symptoms in women are far less understood than in men. But that's not all the bad news.

The number of deaths caused by heart disease in women is higher than all the next sixteen causes of death for women put together! And death from heart disease in women is twice as high as all cancer deaths combined.

Symptoms of Heart Disease in Women

Out of the one and a half million heart attacks in the U.S. annually 500,000, or one third, result in death. And 233,000 of those who die are women.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

8 Natural Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer

To prevent breast cancer you need to take action. Otherwise, your odds of getting breast cancer, the disease women fear the most, are 1 in 8.

In spite of the millions of dollars spent on research and new drugs, the overall odds have stayed the same. But the following 8 natural ways to prevent breast cancer can greatly improve your own odds.

Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer

Natural breast cancer prevention requires making some lifestyle changes. Here are the eight most important steps to prevent breast cancer.

1. Be physically active every day. Research shows that women who exercise for at least 30 to 45 minutes a day have a 20-40% lower risk of developing breast cancer than those who are inactive.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

What are the Symptoms of Breast Cancer?

Knowing the answer to, "What are the Symptoms of Breast Cancer?" could save your life. This is because when the symptoms of breast cancer are discovered early, you have a much better chance for a cure.

However, in the very early stages, the symptoms of breast cancer are not always noticeable. This is why it's so important for women to learn the natural ways to prevent breast cancer as soon as possible. Especially since the U.S. has the highest rate of breast cancer in the world.

And women in western cultures get breast cancer more than any other type of cancer, except for skin cancer. Plus, among cancer deaths for American women, breast cancer deaths are second only to lung cancer.

Is Obesity a Disease?

Is obesity a disease, or just something that big pharmaceutical companies are using to make tons of money? What can you do about obesity?

You've probably heard it before, that pharmaceutical companies want you to be sick so they can sell you expensive medicine. Well, I don't really want to get into that debate right now because whether or not this is true, obesity is a growing concern among people all over the world. The question you are asking is "is obesity a disease?" Let's look at what the definition of disease is, how obesity affects a person, and what can be done about obesity.

Is Obesity a Disease?

A proper dictionary definition of 'disease' goes something like: "disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, nutritional deficiency or imbalance, toxicity, or unfavorable environmental factors". So ask yourself "is obesity a disease?". It is hard to say, because historically the body is built to store fat in times when food is scarce and those who are obese are certainly storing fat. However, it is the extent and duration of that fat storage that becomes a problem.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Eating Healthy for Pregnancy Baby Health

How to have a healthy pregnancy is not something taught in school. And since medical training is based on curing sickness, even your doctor probably knows little about eating healthy for pregnancy baby health.

For excellent pregnancy baby health, you need excellent nutrition.

And if you're not eating healthy for pregnancy, your body's designed to rob itself of your essential nutrients to nourish your growing baby. But since the Standard American Diet (SAD for short) is so lacking, even sacrificing your own health isn't nearly enough for healthy pregnancy baby health.

How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy

Monday, May 9, 2011

Exercise Walking Shoes for Women to Choose

The best exercise walking shoes for women are health essentials in your wardrobe.

In order to get the most comfortable walking shoes and the best walking shoes for women, follow this best walking shoes guide.

Because, just like Cinderella, if the shoe is a perfect fit, you can reap great rewards. And, wearing comfortable walking shoes that best support your individual needs will prevent blisters, calluses and more serious injuries.

Plus, wearing the best, most comfortable walking shoes that fit perfectly will also help you stick with your regular daily walking exercise routine.

How to Get the Best Walking Shoes for Women

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Women and Exercise and Fitness Tips

Women and exercise – not too long ago it was frowned upon. But luckily for us the concept of women and exercise is now fully accepted. Why?

Scientific studies show that regular exercise for women significantly:

Boosts self-image,

Reduces cancer risk,

Decreases osteoporosis,

Improves your overall health,

Increases women's life expectancy,

Reduces PMS and menopause symptoms,

Lowers a woman's risk of heart disease and diabetes,

And prevents and alleviates the symptoms of lower back pain.

So, as you can see, any amount of exercise is better than no exercise at all. And these exercise and fitness tips can help women of all ages.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Glycemic Diet of Low Glycemic Foods

Scientific studies from all around the world show that the glycemic diet, based on healthy low glycemic foods, is the healthiest way to lose weight and keep it off – especially when you add moderate physical activity.

Research shows the glycemic diet of low glycemic foods can help you:

* Lose weight,

* Clear up your skin,

* Reduce mood swings,

* Decrease insulin resistance,

* Reduce the risk of heart disease,

* Feel less hunger and food cravings,

* Decrease your risk of type two diabetes,

* Lower triglyceride levels and blood pressure,

* And achieve long lasting and permanent weight loss.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Natural Ways To Fight Sagging Eyelids

After many attempts to uncover the reason behind sagging eyelids, researchers finally found out that the expansion of fatty tissues in the eye socket is the culprit.

The study was the first to investigate eyelid aging by looking at the anatomy of multiple subjects. Also, this was the first time that a high-power magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to examine facial aging. Forty subjects (17 males and 23 females) aged 12 to 80 years underwent MRI. Radiological images revealed that lower eyelid tissue increased with age, and that fat accumulation was mainly responsible for this size increase.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Seeing The World Through Rose-Colored (Eye)glasses

Throughout our lives up to the early part of our adulthood, most of us have been blessed with a clear 20/20 vision. We are able to see and distinguish a myriad of objects and read signs and printed material of various sizes with nary of difficulty. Some are even blessed with “super eyesight” – or “eagle eyes”.

Alas, more often than not when one’s youth is gone so is one’s 20/20 vision. Typically, people who are pushing 40 are the ones who start experiencing a decline in the clarity of their vision. It might be hard to admit at first but for most people 40 seems to be the age where seeing anything clearly necessitates the use of eyeglasses.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

4 Tips For Effective Afternoon Power Naps

If you are at all able to take a short nap during the day, by all means, you should and should not feel guilty about it. There is much truth behind the elusive “power nap.” Some of the greatest thinkers in history were given to brief naps during the day. Albert Einstein, John F. Kennedy, and Thomas Edison, among scores of others, recognized the value in re-charging during the day.

Still, there is something of a stigma about taking an afternoon nap, and therefore, a good reason that so-called “energy drinks,” those loaded with caffeine, have become so popular. The drawbacks to this sort of “revival” include the consumption of too much sugar, which, while perhaps giving you a short burst of energy, will make you feel even more tired later.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Eye Secrets – Instant Eye Lift And Youthful Look

Regaining youthful beauty does not have to be painful and expensive. When eyelids and eye bags start to turn droopy and eyelashes grow slower due to old age, many women think that surgery or expensive dermatological treatments are the only solution. If you are one of the millions of people who desperately want to regain their tight eyelids, wrinkle-free eye bags and youthful eyelashes, use Eye Secrets, the most trusted quick fix to the signs of aging.

Eye Secrets is a line of eye products that guarantee noticeable transformation of eyelids, eyelashes and skin texture. Now there is a practical solution to sagging eyelids, loose eye bags, and short eyelashes, especially for those who fear surgery, or rather its costs. Eye Secrets promises to give you fast results with its three breakthrough products:

Monday, April 18, 2011

Fish And Omega 3

Almost every other health article nowadays is raving about the wonders of omega 3 fatty acids. You may not know exactly what DHA or EPA stands for but you know the numerous health benefits they provide. It is widely known that you can get your omega 3 fatty acids from a wide variety of food sources, but fish are still the best sources of DHA and EPA. Here are the facts you need to know about fish and omega 3s.

Getting to know Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids that are important to our body’s many functions. They are present in the fatty layers of cold-water fish and shellfish, krills, oils of plants and nuts, flaxseed, walnuts, algae oil, fortified foods, and supplements.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Shopping for Omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids are the new health rave nowadays. They have been found to have numerous health benefits, not the least of which is reducing the risk of heart disease.

When you go into the supermarket, you can take your pick of natural foods, fortified foods and supplements from which you can derive your daily dose of these essential fatty acids.

Choosing the best type of omega 3s

Omega 3 fatty acids are a group of three essential fats, namely DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid).

ALA, once in the body, is partially converted into DHA and EPA. The conversion is not very efficient and has been estimated to be as low as 5%. That is why it is highly recommended that we get more DHA and EPA in our diets.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Omega 3 Fatty Acid As Functional Food

Almost any food nowadays can be fortified with omega 3 fatty acids. It has become a big business around the world and one of the more lasting health crazes that has cropped up over the past years.

One of the many reasons why so many health professionals have been raving about the wonders of omega 3 fatty acids for many years now is because these fats are very essential to our bodily functions, from building cells walls to keeping our brains healthy. On top of this, omega 3 fatty acids also help a wide range of diseases. These include heart disease, stroke, depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, menstrual pain, and many others.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Do You Need Omega 3 Fatty Acids?

We have all heard or read about the health benefits of omega 3 fatty acids but we don’t pay attention enough to care if we have enough of it in our diets. Because almost everyone has a diet that is deficient in omega 3, the health benefits are mostly the result of adding back into the diet what was normally there in the first place.

Omega 3 fatty acids are gaining a lot of medical importance, mainly because they are very beneficial health-wise for every one of every age, from babies to old folks. Evidence shows that they protect against heart disease, among many other diseases, and lower triglyceride levels.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Essential Facts About Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are beneficial to our health in many ways. Studies have shown that conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, depression, heart disease, and high cholesterol levels, among many others, benefit from the intake of omega 3s. Here are the omega 3 basics you need to know.

Essential Facts About Essential Fatty Acids

* Omega 3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids that are used by the body for proper functioning. These fatty acids, like DHA, EPA, and ALA, are not naturally produced by the body or are converted inefficiently from ALA to EPA and DHA, but they can be derived from our diet.

Getting The Best Out Of Omega 3 Supplements

Getting your omega 3s from supplements needs very careful consideration; you need to figure out if you really need it, what type of supplement you should take if you do, and what the risks are.

Do you need more?

Given the typical diet of an average person, almost anyone can only benefit from adding more omega 3 to their diet, especially nowadays when omega 3 intake has taken a dive over the last century.

However, there are people with certain conditions who can benefit more from consuming higher than normal doses of omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids have been found to help boost cardiovascular health, control levels of triglycerides, and lower blood pressure. They also help with depression, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, asthma, ADHD, and many other health conditions.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Diagnosing For Vitamin D Deficiency

We have been exposed to too many vampire films that we’ve somehow managed to adapt avoiding sun exposure and shutting ourselves inside and instead engage in an indoor lifestyle which includes online games, online social networking and Teevo. Who needs to go out anyway?

Majority of the population rarely gets the chance to bask under the sun but on the occasional exposure, some would immediately slather up with sun block, cover up with wide-brim hats and long-sleeved tops, dab the lips with an SPF Lip Balm, protect the eyes from UV rays with aviator shades and top it off with a stylish bohemian scarf around your hair or even cover an exposed neck – these are just a few of the allegedly, “Everyday Sun Protection Essentials” and in effect, we now face serious Vitamin D deficiency.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Vitamin D – Sunshine Vitamin Continues To Shine

Vitamin D, also known as Sunshine Vitamin, sure is enjoying the spotlight for all the positive impact it creates to a human body.

An immunity booster, hormone regulator, healthy brain, metabolism, diabetes prevention, cancer prevention and cardiovascular health – these are just a few of the title roles credited to vitamin D.

In addition, we also owe our strong footing to vitamin D that helps maintain our bones healthy by stimulating bone cells to make new bone while enhancing the application of calcium. Apart from that, significant amount of vitamin D extends human life with an additional five years.

Top 3 Ways to Reduce Post-Workout Soreness

You made your New Year's Resolution, and then on Monday kicked-up the intensity of your running routine, hopped on the new rowing machine you got for Christmas, or lifted those few extra pounds at the gym. Great Work!

But today, thanks to delayed onset muscle soreness, your body might be feeling a bit stiff. No sweat, soothe your post-workout aches and pains with a few of my favorite sore muscle relievers. You'll be back on track and ready to meet those goals in no time!

3 Ways to Reduce Post-Workout Soreness

1. Massage

Grab a lacrosse ball or two and roll away those aches with a few pain relieving massage moves. (substitute a tennis, or racketball)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Healthy Permanent Weight Loss Strategies that Work

Is healthy permanent weight loss possible for you? Do you know what it takes? Are you willing to make the necessary lifestyle changes?

In our super-size, eat-on-the-run, death-by-chocolate society, healthy permanent weight loss can be a real battle. And winning the battle of the bulge takes weight loss strategies that work and die-hard commitment.

By now, we all know that nobody wins with fad diets and quick fixes. So, what are healthy permanent weight loss strategies that work? Here's the strategic battle plan you need to stick with it through thick and thin.

7 Healthy Permanent Weight Loss Strategies that Work

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Benefits of Meditation

When it comes to making meditation a part of your daily routine it is metaphorically-speaking, a no brainer. Studies show it does everything from taming the run-away monkey-mind, increasing creativity, pumping up energy and vitality, reducing muscle pain, lowering stress, boosting organizational skills, to offering mental and physical flexibility.

The ability to quiet one's mind and retreat to a thought-free state of calmness opens the connection to higher intelligence and greatly enhances problem-solving abilities. A study at Massachusetts General Hospital found that the cerebral cortex (the part of the brain that deals with focusing on processing sensory input) is more active in meditators.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The truth about toning shoes, and other fitness gear that doesn't work

People are always looking for the quick fix. Pills that will bust belly fat overnight. Exercise machines that will give you fab abs in no time. Flip-flops that can help you get fit faster. Special sneakers that sculpt your butt and help you get in shape.

Sound too good to be true? It usually is. And when it comes to trendy, pricy toning shoes—which have rounded or unstable soles that are supposed to help the wearer burn more calories by increasing "muscle activation"—studies show that while exercise does plenty to boost calorie consumption and tone your bod, the shoes don't really make a difference.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Are You an Emotional Overeater? Take this Quiz and Learn How to Overcome It!

Does a fight with your mate or an argument with your teenager propel you straight to the bottom of an ice-cream carton? Does an impending job interview send you to the nearest drive-thru lane faster than you can say, “Fries with that, please?” Did you have a flat tire on the way home from work and then make a beeline to the fridge? Perhaps you eat when you’re tense, lonely, afraid, depressed, or angry—pretty much any time things go a bit wrong. If so, you may be overeating in response to emotions such as boredom, loneliness, anger, sadness or fear.

Take this short quiz to find out if you are an emotional overeater.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

16 tips for getting good sleep

There’s a lot of advice out there about getting good sleep -- it's VERY important. We quickly adjust to being sleep-deprived, and don't notice that we aren't functioning at a normal level, but lack of sleep really affects us. If you're feeling blue or listless, try going to sleep thirty minutes earlier for a week. It can really help.

Here are tips that have helped me get good sleep:

Good habits for good sleep:

1. Exercise most days, even if it’s just to take a walk.

2. No caffeine after 7:00 p.m.

3. An hour before bedtime, avoid doing any kind of work that takes alert thinking. Addressing envelopes—okay. Analyzing an article—nope.

Monday, March 7, 2011

8 Surprising Fertility Facts Every Woman Should Know

Right now, you may be more into preventing pregnancy than having a kid. But there are habits to take on now and behaviors you should avoid that will make it easier for you to conceive when you are ready to be a mom. Here's what you need to know.

1. Always Have Safe Sex

Unless you know for sure that your guy is STD-free, condoms are your best protection against fertility threats such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. If left untreated, these bacterial infections can enter your uterus and fallopian tubes, where they morph into a more serious condition called Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). Scarily, one in five women with PID end up infertile.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dealing With Doctor Anxiety

You’re not alone if you stand in awe of your physician and as a result, don’t get the quality of medical care you should. Studies tell us that the better the communication between doctor and patient, equal to equal, the better the health care the patient will get.

Sometimes patients hesitate to question their doctors for fear they will get angry or feel insulted. Surveys show, however, that most physicians respond positively to direct requests for information.

There are ways by which the patient can help improve the communication process. Here are the basics:

--Go to the doctor’s office prepared with detailed information on your personal and family medical history. List your symptoms in the order in which they appeared and describe them as precisely as possible – their location in our body, their frequency, their effect on our everyday activities.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How to Stay Committed to Your Exercise and Weight Loss Goals

It’s normal to have days when you really don’t want to exercise or look at another salad. But before you pick up a fork and dig into sugary frosting or write off the gym, try this idea that JJ Virgin, the author of Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy, says is personal kryptonite against program destroyers.

Let’s be honest here. You will need something concrete to really motivate you when times get hard. There will come a day when you have a big fight with your mother on the phone or your boss is really demanding. Maybe the car won’t start and your kids are screaming. Suddenly the idea of motivation is out the window and all you want is a Snickers bar.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Warm Up to Winter Workouts

Be a super-fit snow angel with the right gear and a little smart planning.

Get Out There!

When the temperatures plummet and the sun makes only cameo appearances, the couch can seem infinitely more inviting than a jog around the block. But winter exercise does a body good: The hit of sunlight can boost your SAD mood and vitamin D levels, and it will make springtime bikini shopping more bearable. We bet you'll enjoy a few fun childhood flashbacks too. So swap your fleece-lined slippers for waterproof running shoes and head on out!

Warm It Up First

When Old Man Winter rears his ugly, icy head, warming up is even more crucial. Your body needs extra time to prepare for the frigid temps ahead, says Pete McCall, an exercise physiologist with the American Council on Exercise. "During the first six to 10 minutes of your workout, your respiratory and cardiovascular systems haven't caught up to your muscles yet," he explains. "A warm-up enables your lungs to start oxygenating your blood with the nutrients your muscles require." McCall suggests a 10-minute warm-up, starting indoors with some stretching, squats, and multidirectional lunges. Then head outside for a brisk walk, progressing to a slow jog. When stretching, pay extra attention to your calves—they're further away from your core, so they have less circulation and will be working differently to handle slippery sidewalks or slushy snow.

Friday, February 25, 2011

The family dinner: A healthy daily ritual to look forward to

I have been making dinner pretty much every day for the past 16 years. I’d be lying if I said cooking, serving, participating and cleaning-up have been the highlight of each of my days. After a hectic day at work, the question “what’s for dinner” often felt like an accusation, reminding me that despite my efforts I’m still much behind. And not every meal has been peaceful. When my kids were very little (my kids are so close in age that at some point all three were toddlers — an age group you can expect very little table manners from) dinner was so hectic I could hardly taste the food. I often thought that perhaps we adults should eat our meal after we put the little ones to bed, so that we can feel half civilized. But we persisted, and I’m proud to say that I think we all, as a family, look forward to dinner together, and see it as an institution that renews our “familyness” every day.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Are you a secret eater? You're not alone

In a recent poll, over 60 percent of women admitted they're uncomfortable eating in front of their partners. It's so bad, according to the U.K. survey by ShapeSmart, that at least 15 percent end up binging in secret on junk food when their partner isn't around. Here we are, grown women in mature relationships, walking around with secret candy stashes our partners can't know about. What's it all about?

Internet forums, the place we go to confess our sins, prove that secret eating is rampant especially when the cat's away. One forum poster admitted to scarfing down pasta in the morning after her husband leaves for work. Another revealed that her healthy eating habits go down the drain when her military husband is out of town two weeks a month. And several say they wait till their husband's asleep and then attack the refrigerator for leftovers.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat and Waist Fat

Most everyone wants to get rid of belly fat and waist fat. But studies show that getting rid of belly fat is far more important than mere vanity. Actually, your life depends on knowing how to get rid of belly fat and waist fat!

There are two kinds of belly fat – deep down sneaky visceral fat and subcutaneous fat, deposited just below your skin for everyone to see.

Wanting to get rid of belly fat and waist fat usually refers to noticeable subcutaneous fat. But visceral fat hides beneath the muscles surrounding your vital organs and is far more destructive. The more you have the higher your chances for diabetes, heart disease and other health problems.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Gamma Knife Snips OCD in Bud

High-Tech Procedure ‘Cuts’ Abnormal Brain Wiring Linked to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

May 8, 2008 (Washington) -- A high-tech procedure that delivers radiation deep within the brain relieved symptoms in half of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder who got no help from medication or talk therapy, a small study shows.

The procedure uses a gamma knife to target brain circuits that work overtime in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), says Antonio Lopes, MD, PhD, of the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil.

"In people with OCD, the network of areas that communicate is always working, working, working. Medication and behavioral therapy can lower the activity of this brain circuitry. But some people don't respond, and we use the gamma knife to try to cut the connection," Lopes tells WebMD.

Not really a knife at all, the gamma knife is a machine that emits powerful, highly focused gamma radiation beams. This helps the doctors target a specific area of the brain while sparing healthy surrounding tissue. It's used to treat people with brain tumors, Parkinson's disease, and other neurological disorders.
Gamma Knife Relieves OCD Symptoms

At the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Lopes presented early results of a study that pits the gamma knife against a sham procedure in 48 patients.

Two years after undergoing the procedure, two of four patients continue to have significant relief from symptoms, he says. Their memory has improved. And they are better able to pay attention to tasks at hand.

In contrast, there has been no improvement among patients who got the sham procedure.

The procedure was relatively safe, with transient headaches and dizziness among the most common side effects.

However, one patient suffered a manic episode about three months after the procedure, which was followed by a bout of hallucinations and delusions a few months after that.

"There are some complications, so this is not for everyone," Lopes says. "This is for people who fail to respond to other treatments."

But for such patients, the procedure can mean the difference between being homebound and functioning "moderately well," says David Baron, DO, professor and chairman of psychiatry at Temple University in Philadelphia.

"These are patients who have failed every single drug and are essentially nonfunctioning, so even a little improvement is a big deal," he says.

Baron tells WebMD that in the U.S., "surgery [for OCD] is an old idea that is coming back because of the gamma knife. It allows you to be much more selective and precise with less adverse effects."